Saturday 8 January 2011

Jane Eyre 2

His names entwined in this traitorous web of emotions
Hidden and enclosed to my heart and memory
I close my eyes and turn to darkness and solitude
But my dreams are deceitful and his eyes pierce them
I hold back my sobs as dawn comes and his loving eyes fade
Dooming me to wonder heart chilled and controlled
Hiding the burning passions simmering within
Extinguishing the smouldering flame in my eye
And putting a stopper to the madness for which I long
My sense pleads that I drop this insane charade
But my heart swears allegiance to his kindness
Binds my need to the warmth in his words
And forever holds me to walk a fool’s fantasy across the halls
Night by night, dream by dream, fantasy by fantasy
I close this lock upon my thundering heart and leave it for him
Only to be unlocked for death or for miracle
That maybe one day his heart will beat the same tune
That maybe my master will love me too

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